Sebastian black butler
Sebastian black butler

sebastian black butler

Death Glare: Gives a scathing one to the servants after they laugh at him for wearing a bonnet that Lizzie gave him.He's also extremely ruthless and genuinely malevolent. Dark Is Evil: He's a demon taking the form of a butler dressed in black.Cuteness Proximity: When he is near his beloved cats, he even ignores Ciel.Cute Little Fangs: As a human, his fangs show up every once in a while, especially when he is enjoying himself.Cold-Blooded Torture: Sometimes performed on his/Ciel's enemies.The Coats Are Off: He removes his tailcoat in his fight with Grell, and that's when things really go down.Chef of Iron: He's not only one of the best fighters in the series, but also one of the best chefs.Chapter 112 returned to this trope with beautiful prostitutes, although it's left ambiguous whether or not they had sex this time. The Charmer: Has occasionally used his good-looks and sex appeal to get information from the ladies."Yes, my lord" would probably count too."A butler who couldn't (insert highly improbable situation here) isn't worth his salt.".Also, some variation of, "If I didn't/wasn't (insert task here), then what kind of butler would I be?".In the dub, "I am one Hell of a butler." In some manga translations, it's "I am a devil of a butler.".Cannot Tell a Lie: His contract with Ciel literally forbids him from ever telling a lie.Born Winner: It doesn't appear that he's actually done anything other than being a demon to become so awesome.Bishōnen: He takes on the appearance of an extremely handsome man.He made this frighteningly clear in the Emerald Witch arc. He can (begrudgingly) tolerate Ciel's bratty and spoiled attitude but he will not tolerate any chance of Ciel straying from his revenge and going against their contract.Berserk Button: There isn't much that can make him truly angry but he does indeed have his triggers and if you press one of them you will know.Battle Butler: He's a demon butler who is good at everything, especially fighting.


It's also hinted he taught both Finnian and Mey-Rin how to read. Badass Teacher: He made Ciel into the Earl Phantomhive he is today and taught him pretty much every skill a noble is expected to know and then some.Badass Longcoat: A cool coat befitting a butler of his status.Badass in a Nice Suit: Wears a very nice butler outfit, which he usually manages to keep prim, even after an intense battle.Badass and Child Duo: Aside from being a butler, he serves as Ciel's primary bodyguard/protector.

sebastian black butler sebastian black butler

  • Anime Hair: Less pronounced than usual examples, but still, a butler shouldn't have a hairdo like that, especially in the Victorian era.
  • Animal Motifs: A raven is associated with his demonic nature and has a strong affinity with cats.
  • sebastian black butler

    Ambiguously Evil: Sure, he's a bad guy, but who's to say that he's not bad simply because that's what Ciel needs?.Always Save The Boy: He cares about protecting Ciel more than anything else.Yeah, the situation was just that serious. Ain't Too Proud to Beg: He begged Sieglinde to save Ciel, and his desperation was sincere.Agent Peacock: He has a flamboyant demeanor, and is by far the most badass character in the series.The Ace: He's capable of doing almost everything, from cooking, cleaning, decorating, and, of course, fighting.Above the Influence: He can seduce others easily, but it seems impossible for others to seduce him.In reality, he is actually a demon who has made a Faustian pledge to Ciel in exchange for utter obedience to Ciel, and assisting him in finding and killing the murderers of Ciel's parents, Sebastian will be allowed to kill Ciel and take his soul once his service is ended or Ciel dies. Ciel's mysterious but charismatic and highly skilled butler he appeared out of nowhere with Ciel two years ago and is rarely far from his master's side. " Even though I dislike being kicked by others, I do enjoy the feeling of kicking others."

    Sebastian black butler